onsdag 20 april 2011

50 states, 50 breakfasts

Last week I got a really interesting, tasteful and disgusting link from my social media professor Ben Wyeth.

50 states, 50 breakfast. If you want to learn more about Americans and their yummy/awful breakfast habits, watching this is a must:

I had a hard time to choose just one favorite, so I'll just give you three really good examples:

Arizona, makes me crave bacon!

California, who does NOT want to try French toast dipped in cinnamon-sugar egg batter AND cereals?:

Kentucky, reminds me of Sweden:

My examples was just three of them. Visit the link and pick your favorite! And remember, you are allowed to choose many. :)

Here's the link again: http://www.foodnetwork.com/about-us/50-states-50-breakfasts/pictures/index.html

Happy Easter!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Have you ever tried pizza for breakfast? That is totally American!

  2. Chad! I actually got to try a pizza omelet only two days after I arrived here. Soo good, and as you say - soo American! :)
