måndag 31 januari 2011

Bon vivant.

I can already sense the feeling of when I'm on the airplane in June, on the way back to Sweden. Leaving USA, the country that, like no other, is so good at enjoying good parts of life.

Of course, Sweden has a lot of things I will be glad to see again, BUT in terms of eating (which tends to be the frequent theme in my blog) America is outstanding. Just look at the two products I found during this weekend.

Most swedes are satisifed with just oats or just popcorn. Americans are not.
Me neither.

Everyone's craving for the bunches, right?!

If you can put an extra caramel layer on (and peanuts), do it!

torsdag 27 januari 2011

How to NOT treat lunchtime favorites!

This blog is NOT a food blog, even though it might look like that many times.
Like this time.

Anyway, I went to Walmart the other day. It's like the best store ever. Their policy makes sense:
"If we ain't got it, you don't need it."

A food maniac like me do have some serious problems in there. They've got so much good food and so much different super mega big packs to choose from. However, after one large bag of Ruffles cheddar chips the day before, I wanted to find a more sustainable relation between me and my chips. So, when I found "Pringles Lunchtime favorites!" I was so excited. It was like the perfect solution for me. 18 mini boxes with lovely Pringles chips in different flavours. Instead of eating a large bag and feel bad, I could enjoy one or maybe two mini boxes a week.

Some times an idea is so much better until you try it. It did not turn out the way i wanted.

30 hours later...
Conclusion: Mini boxes are very good, but not for me.

onsdag 26 januari 2011

Freshman Fifteen

You don't have to gain weight at school. Yeah right?!
Don't worry. I'm NOT gonna report everything in the report showed above. But - the expression "Freshman 15" (15 pounds = 6,8 kg) is quite interesting: 

"College freshmen are particularly vulnerable to gaining weight their first year, notoriously dubbed the "Freshman 15". 

An ordinary meal in the cafeteria.
One thing is for sure - it's definitely justified to present the "Freshman 15" at the entrance of the university cafeteria. So much good food are waiting for you. Temptations. So much to gain weight from.
It's a good and interesting paper, seems like good advices of what you should and not should eat. I'll definitely read it carefully. After this semester.

lördag 22 januari 2011

3...2...1. First post!

Hi and welcome to my blog!

To make clear, this blog is about USA and what makes this country so unique. From a swedish perspective I'll try to cover different topics that comes up on my mind - the american food, people, stores, tv-shows, sports, cities etc.

In short, different things that make America so great.

I hope this blog will be interesting for my fellow countrymen and -women in Sweden, seeing what America is all about. I also hope that native americans will appreciate reading about my thoughts and how I perceive the american culture.

Ha det gött så länge!