tisdag 8 februari 2011

USA - Sweden 1-0

Yesterday I was having a discussion about license plates with on of my class mates. He said he preferred the Swedish one, which is wider and less colorful than the american one.

I totally disagree.

You americans should be proud of your license plates. They are really good looking, and most important - they communicate from which state you're from, something that I really miss about the Swedish ones. Every state has it's own design. I'm actually really jealous. Why can't we come up with anything like that in Sweden?!

Anyway, which one do You prefer?

Swedish version

American version

Maybe it's just one of those "the grass is greener on the other side" cases ... The americans thinks that the european plates are more interesting than the american version and vice versa. 

But in this blog I decide.
The American license plate outscore the Swedish one.

USA 1. 
Sweden 0.

4 kommentarer:

  1. För länge sen i Sverige..umm på säg 70-talet, kanske även 80-talet..så hade man skyltar med kodbokstäver för att kunna urskilja vilket län man var ifrån. Typ, PL var av nån outgrundlig anledning till exempel Älvsborgs län och dylikt. Lite tråkigt att man tog bort det.

    Härlig blogg!

  2. För exakt information:

    PA, var Älvsborgs län och man tog bort det 1973


  3. Gott allmänbildningsmaterial Felix! Och tack för infon. Jag håller tummarna för att bokstavskoderna gör comeback i Sverige inom kort!
    Det vore iaf en bit på vägen till de amerikanska coolskyltarna. Kul att du kommenterar btw.

  4. Ben, I googled it and uuugh.. You're definitely right.
    The New Mexico plate can probably destroy the design of every car in the world. Just imagine a red Ferrari with that plate..
